Patriotic Collection
Our ancestors believed in living freely.
Living without the oppressing factor of other earthly men.
These oppressing men would rather live off of our backs than to earn their keep, because they could.
Our ancestors believed in this free way of life like many others have throughout the history of the world.
The difference?
They made it happen. They turned that idea into a reality.
At the cost of many lives and many families.
Because they believed in the principles and morals that true freedom expresses.
Thus America was born.
Stay Patriotic.
Free to speak.
Free to think.
Free to be.
Because we love being free.
Where there is no king.
Where there is no hereditary nobility.
Our natural right is not trumped by any other individual.
Because we love equality.
Pursuit of Happiness
Being truly happy at the core of our existence is achieved by us making our own decisions.
Nobody can ever feel purely content when someone else makes their decisions for them.
With the freedom to choose, we take our personal journey with our Creator.
We fall down, we get back up.
We take huge leaps forward, we take huge leaps backwards.
We freely pursue what we yearn for.
We pursue our own happiness.
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